3 Stages of the Aging Neck

For the most part, when it comes to aging, we are always focused on the face. However, the neck is a rising point of concern for our patients. And the terms turkey neck or tech neck aren’t being thrown around as loosely anymore, since the neck ages as much as your face. To help navigate your neck, Dr. Imber discusses the 3 stages of the aging neck and different procedures, minimally invasive and surgical, to consider.

Stage 1

Initially you may notice wrinkling in the neck area. Like all wrinkles, you can treat this easy, and early enough with Microneedling with PRP. By wounding the skin with tiny needles and injecting Platelet Rich Plasma into the area, you can stimulate collagen growth while repairing the cells. This treatment results in tighter skin, improving the neck area and getting it into good shape for the future. Consider 3 treatments initially and then maintenance treatments every 6 months.

Stage 2

If the neck area is left alone gravity can affect the skin causing skin laxity and fat. To improve this, you must have microsuction. Microsuction is used to remove the fat in smaller areas helping to improve the sagging skin.

Stage 3

The last stage of the aging neck is when the platysma bands start to loosen. These are muscles that start at the base of you neck and run up to your jaw. Once this happens the only way to fix it is with surgery.

To learn more about each of these procedures or to schedule an appointment to see Dr. Imber, please call our office at (212) 472-1800.

Dr. Gerald Imber is a world-renowned board-certified NYC plastic surgeon and is recognized by the US News and World Report as among the top 1% of plastic surgeons in the United States. He is the Director of his plastic surgery practice located on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Dr. Imber has performed more than 3000 Facelifts and specializes in less invasive surgical approaches for face and body. He offers a wide variety of anti-aging treatments including innovative esthetic and surgical procedures for both men and women.

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