Forehead Lift
Forehead lift is performed to reduce horizontal forehead lines or lift the eyebrows. Sometimes, it is a means of lifting the upper lids, as well. The procedure is most often performed from within the hairline, sometimes at the very border of the hairline.
Dr. Imber is an internationally renowned plastic surgeon and has performed over 25,000 surgical procedures. He performs a full range of cosmetic surgery procedures in his New York City practice, popularized the S-LIFT, and developed the Limited Incision Facelift Technique. He has dedicated his career to helping his patients look as good as they feel, and always strives for the most natural results.

Forehead Lift
A forehead lift lifts the brows, rejuvenating the area and tightening the skin in the forehead and around the upper eyes. Prior to Botox, a forehead lift was one of the only ways to improve forehead wrinkles. Now that Botox effectively improves fine lines and wrinkles, forehead lifts are performed less frequently.
Forehead Lift Goals
A forehead lift can significantly help improve deep forehead wrinkles and rejuvenate the entire area. By lifting the brows, the facial structure appeals more youthful.
Forehead Lift Candidates
If you have deep set forehead wrinkles you may be a candidate for a foreHead lift. During your consultation with Dr. Imber, he will assess the area to determine if results can be achieved using Botox or a forehead lift.
What to Expect During Your Forehead Lift
A forehead lift is performed to reduce horizontal forehead lines or lift the eyebrows. Sometimes, it is a means of lifting the upper lids, as well. The procedure is most often performed from within the hairline, sometimes at the very border of the hairline.
Recovering From Your Forehead Lift
Recovery varies for each patient an