For some people, Microsuction can actually replace a mini facelift. If you’re relatively young and issues are...
Can Filler in the Temples or the Cheekbones Lift the Face?
A lot of people come in saying the temple area has hollowed out with fat loss over the years and they want that filled...
Breaking down the Facelift
The scientific paper published on my first 1,000 Limited Incision Facelift Technique (L.I.F.T.) procedures largely...
Can treating marionette lines early prevent a Mini Facelift?
Aging can first begin around the eyes because the skin in this area is the thinnest. Another area where aging can be...
At what point is it time for a Mini Facelift?
This skin going south is noticeable when the skin on cheekbones gets soft causing the angularity of the face to fall...
Forget Botox and fillers: Why full-on facelifts are hotter than ever
Dr. Imber was recently featured in the December 6, 2021 issue of the New York Post. Below is an excerpt of the...
The Return of the Face-Lift
Dr. Imber was recently featured in the November issue of Bazaar. The issue should be in stores now, check your local...
Why Men Are Turning to Cosmetic Procedures for a Competitive Edge in the Boardroom
Not long ago, a successful Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur decided to make a risky new investment he’d been toying...
3 Secrets to Push A FaceLift
Here are my top tips to push back the facelift to consider: MICROSUCTION TO IMPROVE JOWLS When you lose volume in your...