If you're wondering why you still have a double chin despite having lost weight, the answer really is that the amount...
Can Microsuction Replace A Neck Lift?
Microsuction is an effective procedure but it does not replace a neck lift. Microsuction is a great surgical procedure...
How To Fix Sagging Jawline
With the loss of collagen over time, skin becomes looser and cheeks become less defined, small fat pockets may...
Can Non-Invasive Treatments tighten your jawline?
The loss of collagen and breakdown of elastin cause fine lines and wrinkles. This leads to skin laxity and slowly...
At what point is it time for a Mini Facelift?
This skin going south is noticeable when the skin on cheekbones gets soft causing the angularity of the face to fall...
What are the top concerns for men?
35% of my clients are men and this number continues to increase as we discuss surgical solutions for men publicly....
Are you considering a Jawline Augmentation?
The hallmarks of an attractive face are almost always strong cheekbones and a defined jaw. The nose doesn’t have to be...
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