For some people, Microsuction can actually replace a mini facelift. If you’re relatively young and issues are...
Can Microsuction Replace A Neck Lift?
Microsuction is an effective procedure but it does not replace a neck lift. Microsuction is a great surgical procedure...
How To Fix Sagging Jawline
With the loss of collagen over time, skin becomes looser and cheeks become less defined, small fat pockets may...
Your Timeline to Look Great For Any Event!
To make this easy, Dr. Imber has outlined a variety of surgical and esthetic procedures that can help you reach your...
Top Cosmetic Surgery Trends for 2020
While there is so much newness out there, we aren’t here to reinvent the wheel when it comes to surgical procedures...
3 Ways To Improve Your Double Chin
1. Non-Invasive Fat Melting Technology has improved greatly when it comes to removing fat without surgery and Dr....
3 Stages of the Aging Neck
Stage 1 Initially you may notice wrinkling in the neck area. Like all wrinkles, you can treat this easy, and early...
3 Secrets to Push A FaceLift
Here are my top tips to push back the facelift to consider: MICROSUCTION TO IMPROVE JOWLS When you lose volume in your...